About Real World Living

Disability services & support organisation

We are a Disability Support Service provider of information, navigation, planning, training, and support for people who have physical and/or cognitive challenges and diverse levels of living and working abilities, based on an holistic and whole of life approach.

Our Vision

People who have impairments are not defined or disadvantaged by disability. They have access to the opportunities, support and means to reach for the stars, transcend challenges and barriers, live their own life to the fullest and contribute to the prosperity of our world, in the same way as anyone else.

Our Purpose

Provision of facilitation, training and support services that enable access to real world opportunities and experiences and which build the practical abilities, social connections and community inclusion required to live life to the fullest.

Our Team

Our Leadership team has a combined 180 years of knowledge, expertise and experience within the Health and Disability space. They are leaders not followers, use innovation and have the courage to think outside the square.

Our Life Skill Coaches have a “can do” attitude, passion for people and a commitment to ongoing learning and their diversity is a reflection of a broad cross section within New Zealand society.

Our Programs

Our programs are focussed on facilitating, networking/linking and supporting people to be autonomous, socially connected and prepared to find their own way in the world. Individual client-centred, holistic and whole of life Support Plans detail the individuals and family/whanau aspirations, goals, steps and strategies required to achieve these outcomes. The opportunities to participate in real world activities and experiences with whatever support is required, enable the training and strategy practice needed for real life and can be accessed as an individual or group session and on a per hour, per half day or per full day basis.

Individuals with very high and complex needs

For clients with very high and complex support needs, we provide safe and welcoming environments, personal cares and tailor the outcomes as described above to fit within realistic expectations. We have specialised in this level of support.

Our Partners

We work with the Ministry of Social Development, ACC and private individuals.


Funding for our services and programs may be available from MSD or ACC or through private payment.

Where do we Operate

We operate in the greater Auckland area and have two service hubs – one in Papakura and one in Penrose. These hubs bring information and programs to the community and foster community relationships which contribute to the building of teams of natural and formal supports.